
accountant rome payroll

As a company grows, so does its staff, and therefore so does the hassle of the monthly payroll. As with many other aspects of business in Italy the payroll, or busta paga, is a complicated process with periodic changes to the laws adding to an already complicated array of deductions and returns that have to be made every month.

Cosmos can look after all aspects of your payroll for you. Fiscal contributions, social security contributions, family allowances, tax breaks, holidays, and 13th and 14th month salaries can all be dealt with by our highly qualified staff. Furthermore we will ensure that monthly reports to INPS are made on time as well as annual declarations and reports.

Our services start from as little as €25 per employee so please contact us, even if it is just for some friendly advice, by using our contact form or calling us on the number listed below.

Types of Service

​Cosmos can offer a number of solutions based on the type of company you are or whether or not you have an entity in Italy.  Most of the solutions are contained in the following three categories.

  • Italian entities which need to put employees or consultants on a payroll.

    ​Companies and Sole Traders who have established positions in Italy can easily outsource their payroll requirements to Cosmos International Services.  Contract registrations, payroll production, and the calculation of tax and social security holdings are among the basic services offered by our company. Contact us to get more information.

  • For foreign companies who want to hire staff in Italy, but aren't certain as to whether they need a fully fledged company.

    For many companies, opening a fully fledged company in Italy can be risky, especially if they are not sure if the market is sustainable. At the same time, how can they abide by Italian regulations if they need staff in Italy? The best solution is to open a representative office. In this way the foreign company can safely employ people to assess the market as well as complying with the rules regarding social security and tax withholding.

  • or companies who do not wish to open a position in Italy.

    One of the simplest solutions to companies, especially those who wish to place contractors in Italy, is to outsource everything to a third party. Being based in Rome we can offer this solution to foreign companies. For a flat monthly fee we can look after the payroll needs of any staff you wish to locate in Italy. Tax, social security and the monthly payslips are all handled by us. Contact us to find out our competitive rates.

Payroll Obligations in Italy

Like most countries, employers are obliged to comply with regulations regarding their payroll which can be time consuming and difficult to produce. With over 10 years of helping foreign companies produce their payroll, backed up with a specialised payroll software, Cosmos International Services can deliver a high quality payroll service.

Payslip and 'LUL'

The most basic requirement for employers is the monthly production of the payslip and the Libro Unico di Lavoro (LUL).

Social Security, Tax & Insurance

​An employer has a number of obligations with regards to tax, social security and insurance.

Every month an employer must pay social security, tax and INAIL.  The contributions are paid via an online tax form with their bank. Cosmos prepares all paperwork necessary for the correct payment of these contributions

Annual Obligations

At the end of the fiscal year an employer must produce the following documentation:

CU: Annual declaration of income paid as well as taxes and social security witheld. The declaration also contains information regarding tax credits and money held for severance payments.


770: Annual declaration sent to Tax and Social security bodies regarding witholdings made on behalf of employees and professionals.

Need more details? Book a free consultation